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Our Chevre is a handmade goat cheese log that is both nutritious and bursting with flavour that has won numerous awards in its time.


Perfect for any cheese board, this artisanal cheese is sure to impress guests with its creamy texture and tangy taste. While it doesn’t melt the same way as many cheeses, that can be to your advantage for creating creamy dips and baked cheeses.


Made from the highest quality goat milk - fresh and locally sourced, our chevre is a must-try for anyone who loves cheese. Add it to your favourite dishes or enjoy it on its own for a truly indulgent experience.


You can use it:

  • crumbled in salads or over side dishes;
  • baked with crackers;
  • added to pasta, pizza, calzone (anything Italian sings with a change to chevre);
  • whipped into dips;
  • in baking;
  • topping toasts and breads;
  • anywhere you’d use a semi-soft cheese!



  • We know our freight charges can make purchases cost-prohibitive for individual users, but there's sadly not much we can do about that currently.

    Please check out the stockists page to see if there's a store near you that has our products. Or flick us a note to let us know a store you'd like to see added!